Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Truth About Anacondas: Can They Really Swallow a Human Whole?

    The Truth About Anacondas: Can They Really Swallow a Human Whole?

    Movies like 1997’s Anaconda have significantly contributed to the misconception that these beautiful reptiles are aggressive man-eaters. In the film, a filming crew goes to the Amazon and encounters a giant snake that hunts them down one by one. However, in reality, anacondas are nowhere near as fast as that monstrosity, and they prefer to…

  • Most Famous Altered Images That Have Fooled Millions

    Most Famous Altered Images That Have Fooled Millions

    Photo manipulation has been happening for a long time. Probably ever since photography became a thing, really. You may not even know this, but it’s also been used to change history. In today’s world, it’s very easy to slap a few things together or remove someone from a photo using AI, but back in the…

  • HIT for joint and spine restoration: “The pain disappears in 5 minutes, and in 3 weeks you will restore the youth of your joints without surgical intervention!”

    HIT for joint and spine restoration: “The pain disappears in 5 minutes, and in 3 weeks you will restore the youth of your joints without surgical intervention!”

    HIT for joint and spine restoration: “The pain disappears in 5 minutes, and in 3 weeks you will restore the youth of your joints without surgical intervention!” Hello! My name is Dr. Aleksandar Stojanov. I am an orthopedic traumatologist with 20 years of experience. I’m happy you’re here, because it means you’ll soon be free…



    WARTS DEVELOP AS A RESULT OF THE PRESENCE OF PARASITES IN YOUR BODY! IF YOU HAVE WARTS ON YOUR NECK, ARMPIT AND OTHER AREAS, THEN PARASITES ARE EATING YOU FROM THE INSIDE If there are warts on the human body, then a colony of deadly parasites has already settled in the internal organs and is…

  • Alien Races That Have Been In Contact With Earth.

    Alien Races That Have Been In Contact With Earth.

    Ever since mankind has been able to look to the sky, we’ve wondered whether there’s someone else out there. Some mysterious race with far more advanced technology than ours that’d come visit us at regular intervals and share their technology with us. And despite there being no actual scientific evidence that this has in fact…

  • I almost lost my husband to a dangerous infectious disease.

    I almost lost my husband to a dangerous infectious disease.

    I almost lost my husband to a dangerous infectious disease: 80% of the population of Macedonia is infected with parasites without knowing it! This can happen to anyone. I almost lost my husband to a dangerous infectious disease: 80% of the population of Macedonia is infected with parasites without knowing it! This can happen to…

  • Girl shocked the entire internet with her desire to lose weight!

    Girl shocked the entire internet with her desire to lose weight!

    I have never been super thin, I have been about 10 kg overweight since I was a child. But it never bothered me much, I got along well with guys and I married my true love early. Hi, my name is Maria, I am 32 years old, I live and work in Skopje and today…

  • HIT for men’s problems:

    HIT for men’s problems:

    HIT for men’s problems: “Relief in 5 minutes, and in 3 weeks the prostate functions like new. Potency returns 100%!”. This natural method is conquering the internet. Orders are in the thousands! Good day! My name is Prof. Goran Naumov. I am a specialist in biophysics, physiology and andrology with 30 years of scientific experience.…

  • How I lost 31 kilos in just 2 months

    How I lost 31 kilos in just 2 months

    Hello everyone! You noticed that I lost a lot of weight and started bombarding me with questions. I tried to answer everyone and support you, but I couldn’t – due to the large number of messages, I would have to be online all the time. Therefore, I decided to write an article and answer your…

  • Forever healthy and thick hair.

    Forever healthy and thick hair.

    The universally the talented Goran Stojanov, created the innovative formula that restores the strength and density of hair in 21 days! “This treatment unconditionally stimulates dormant hair roots. As many as 98% of them are activated, and in 21 days there are no traces of baldness, bald patches, and the hair becomes thick and shiny.…

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