A revolution in hearing restoration: hearing aids are no longer needed. In just 4 weeks you can restore your hearing 100%! This method breaks all records for effectiveness!

Hello! My name is Dr. Elena Stojanovska. I am an otorhinolaryngologist with 20 years of experience!

I’m so happy you’re here, because soon you’ll get your hearing back! You’ll get your hearing back 100% and you’ll enjoy every moment of your life again.

I will introduce you to the natural method for complete hearing rehabilitation that I have developed. This means that you will hear more clearly every day – without any hearing aids. You will forget the fear of complete hearing loss and the constant attempts to understand what others are saying to you.

Sounds great, right? The best part is that this effect is completely guaranteed . This has been scientifically proven with clinical trials on 60,000 people and confirmed by 40,000 satisfied users.

In just 28 days, these problems will be solved once and for all:

x Disability and problems in communicating with others
x Misunderstanding, feelings of isolation and alienation
x Dependence on bulky and expensive hearing aids

You will get your hearing back! And thanks to that:

You will gain independence and security.
You will strengthen your relationships with your loved ones and become an active conversationalist again.
Get rid of hearing aids and save money

Perfect hearing returns in 28 days – even in ‘hopeless cases’
The natural method for restoring hearing is the neuroprotective bioactivator that I developed. This allows even those who called themselves “deaf as a wall” to clearly understand what the interlocutor is whispering about, even on a crowded bus or at the market.

Yes, it is possible! This was confirmed, for example, by Stefan from Skopje, who a few months ago had no hope of being able to talk freely with his granddaughter at a family celebration.

— I could have remained deaf as a wall forever… Look at me now!
“Grandpa should be called that because he’s deaf” – this is what my daughter-in-law used to say to my grandchildren. What a mean woman. I found this product online and ordered it. Imagine the look on her face when she was gossiping about me to her cousin at her son’s birthday party. They were sitting in the gazebo in the garden, and I was listening to everything, standing by the currant bushes, a hundred meters away! Her face darkened when I asked them if they had any other interesting topics to talk about.

But the most important thing is that I can hear just as well now as I did in my youth. Even at happy family gatherings, I can clearly understand the words, even the soft voice of my granddaughter. And that without any hearing aid!

This is your guarantee of victory in the fight for good hearing!
If you’ve already tried treatments that supposedly improve your hearing but haven’t worked, this time you have a 100% guarantee of success, no matter how bad your hearing is right now. It doesn’t matter why it’s weakened or how long you’ve been suffering from it.

In 28 days you will get the perfect hearing quality you have always dreamed of, and all thanks to the fact that the neuroprotective bioactivator successfully acts against hearing loss, regardless of its cause, type and degree.

You can use it with confidence, regardless of…

Causes of hearing loss: old age, oxidative stress, microcirculation disorders, genetic stress, toxins, diseases, injuries, use of certain medications…
Type of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural or combined,
Degree of hearing loss: mild (20 – 40 dB), moderate (41 – 65 dB), severe (65 – 90 dB) and even profound (91 dB).
Annoying noises in your ears will be a thing of the past!
If you are bothered by constant noises in your ears, such as buzzing, squeaking, ringing, popping, and others – I have great news for you:

By restoring your hearing, you will get rid of those unwanted sounds that haunt you. This will help you get rid of periodic headaches, calm your nerves, and sleep peacefully.

My method has a complex effect on the organ of hearing. It restructures and restores three stages of hearing, namely: the dura mater, the fibers of the organ of Corti, and the vestibulocochlear nerve.

None of the known methods to date can so perfectly “restore” damaged hearing and make the entire spectrum of sounds so pure and clear in 28 days.

Why did I decide to find an “innovative method for restoring hearing”?
The fact is that hearing is a sense that is necessary for normal functioning. When it begins to weaken, people gradually lose all joy in life. Difficulties in communication lead to distancing from social and family relationships, which causes a feeling of loneliness.

Hearing loss often leads to disappointment and conflict in family and partner relationships due to communication difficulties. People think you are ignoring them, but in reality you are simply not listening and suffering even more.

Loss of ability to work in many professions is common among people with hearing loss. Limited ability to work leads to feelings of uselessness and reduced self-esteem.

Grandma, grandma, save me!
Once my granddaughter screamed like that. I didn’t hear her, and we were just a second away from the tragedy. Fortunately, a neighbor heard Maria’s desperate screams and pulled her out of the deep, muddy hole. Unfortunately, my son forbade me to take care of my granddaughter at that time. This broke my heart. And all because of my hearing…

Then I accidentally found out about the method of Dr. Elena Stojanovska. Now I can say that I hear everything!! Sometimes I even joke that I hear better than ever. Once I saved my son’s life because he heard a siren, and no, otherwise we would all have ended up under a truck. How much he thanked me then! And, of course, he doesn’t mind me taking care of Marija now.

Marija Dimitrova
63 years Prilep

Hearing loss can be life-threatening; a person who is unaware of the danger can be hit by a car or tram because they do not hear sirens or alarms. Many accidents occur when someone does not hear a call for help, the sound of a telephone, boiling water in a kettle, or a fire alarm…

Activities that once brought pleasure, such as listening to music or watching television, no longer bring joy. All of these factors together can lead to chronic stress and discouragement, and ultimately contribute to the onset of symptoms of depression…

Hearing is an important part of every person’s life:
It enables communication and maintaining relationships with people;
It is necessary for safety and independence in everyday life;
It is important for the joy of life and mental health.
Therefore, you need good hearing to feel energetic, independent, and happy.

Hearing loss is a serious problem that can quickly lead to depression…
Unfortunately, hearing weakens with age. Hearing cells “wear out” over the years, and this process is accelerated by noise: life in a big city or work in heavy industry, mining, the automotive industry, music, agriculture or construction. Daily exposure to noise is death for hearing cells… That is why most elderly people complain of progressive deafness.

Do you use a hearing aid? You must be cursing this horrible device!
Hearing aids are a device that is widely used by people with hearing loss all over the world. It is true that they allow you to hear a little louder, but many people who use them agree that hearing aids have more disadvantages than advantages. They are simply uncomfortable to wear!

Hearing aids are just torture…

A hearing aid amplifies all sounds, so if you have difficulty perceiving certain sound frequencies due to hearing loss, you won’t be able to hear high or low tones even with a hearing aid. This means that your hearing is still poor and you can’t understand what is being said to you. But that’s not the only disadvantage of hearing aids. There are many more:

Hearing aids cause discomfort
They are uncomfortable and can cause pressure and skin irritation. It is difficult to sleep or wear glasses with a hearing aid.
They make life difficult.
People who wear hearing aids suffer because they are seen as disabled. They feel sad when they are looked at with pity.
They produce squeaks and creaks
Hearing aid users complain about poor sound quality. The device produces unpleasant sounds that cause irritation and stress.
They can cause infections
Fungi can develop in the hearing aid and cause dangerous ear infections, which further reduces hearing.
Cannot be used continuously
The device must be removed before contact with water, for example before bathing. It should also be removed at night. This makes it impossible to permanently restore hearing.
They are very expensive.
The price of the device varies from 110 to 500 euros and this is not a one-time expense. Batteries are also required, the annual cost of which exceeds 200 euros!
You no longer have to be a slave to your hearing aid!
Imagine how nice it would be to say goodbye to your hearing aid forever. No more discomfort and the horrible crackling and popping that this device creates. No more pressure and skin irritation. No more embarrassment, humiliation and endless costs for replacing devices and batteries! The beginning of freedom: you hear everything beautifully, even in the shower, in the bath or sauna.

Why suffer and be upset…? If after 28 days of therapy with a neuroprotective bioactivator you can restore your hearing!

“Hearing aid prices are going crazy!”
I am a retired teacher. Years of work have weakened my hearing, and I have an unpleasant ringing in my ears. I thought about getting a hearing aid, but the price of 300 euros shocked me. I bought a cheaper option, but it was of poor quality and did not help me. I almost stopped leaving the house because I could not communicate normally.

After almost a year of suffering, I came across a popular TV interview with a doctor who talked about neuroprotective bioactivator therapy and decided to give it a try. After a full course of treatment, the ringing in my ears disappeared completely, I became calmer and my hearing improved. Now I can talk without any problems and I can even hear people whispering on the bus!

How does the neuroprotective bioactivator restore hearing?
To understand this, first look at how our hearing works:

The eardrum – perception of sounds

When you hear a sound, the air around you vibrates. These vibrations reach the eardrum, which is responsible for the proper perception of sounds. If it is damaged, it will not capture the sounds properly, and you will not be able to hear some of them.

Organ of Corti (bone cells) – processing sounds

When the eardrum vibrates, it moves the bone cells in the organ of Corti. Each sound frequency stimulates different cells, which allows you to distinguish between low and high tones. If these cells are damaged, they cannot function normally.

Vestibulocochlear nerve – interpretation of sounds

The movements of the bone cells generate electrical signals, which are transmitted to the brain via the vestibulocochlear nerve, where they are processed. If the nerve is damaged, the brain cannot interpret sounds correctly.

These are three components that ensure the proper functioning of your hearing. If you suffer from hearing loss, have difficulty understanding speech, or perceive sounds as if they are in a “foggy” state, it means that one of the parts of your hearing is damaged and is not performing its functions.

The neuroprotective bioactivator is used to fill cavities and combat degeneration of auditory tissue. It effectively restores even the most damaged auditory structures and can bring dead auditory cells back to life.

AMAGED bone cells before therapy FUNCTIONAL bone cells after therapy

In addition to regenerating auditory cells and restoring ideal hearing quality, the neuroprotective bioactivator protects your hearing from future damage. This means that even if you expose your ears to destructive noise, your hearing will remain intact. This is explained by the fact that the neuroprotective bioactivator:

Protects against oxidative stress

It has antioxidant and neuroprotective properties. It helps protect hair cells in the organ of Corti from damage caused by oxidative stress, which is one of the factors in hearing loss.
Reduces inflammation

Any inflammation has a destructive effect on the body’s cells and very often passes without symptoms. The neuroprotective bioactivator that protects against inflammation ensures safety for hearing.
Positively affects the transmission of sound signals

It calms the nervous system and facilitates the transmission of sound signals to the organ of Corti. Sound passes through without problems, like a car on a highway, not like in a traffic jam.

After just 28 days, you will be able to hear everything easily and clearly!


Voice of a train station dispatcher

Knocking and ringing the doorbell

The teapot is playing.

Child’s voice

Birds singing

Buzzing of a fly

The sound of waves on the beach

The rustle of autumn leaves

Cat’s purr

Flattening the stomach

A friend’s voice on the phone

Here’s what you’ll get in just 28 days by using neuroprotective bioactivator therapy:
You will start hearing clear and precise sounds up to 4 dB (for comparison: 20 dB is a whisper). You will feel an improvement after just 48 hours!
You will begin to perceive sounds from a distance – you will hear when someone rings your bell from up to 500 meters away.
You will increase your ear’s sensitivity to human speech by 93% and you will be able to easily understand what someone is saying, even in a noisy environment.
You will hear a wide range of tones – both high and low.
You will no longer experience disturbing sounds in your ears, such as buzzing, crackling, popping, etc. You will put an end to chronic stress, headaches, and insomnia.
Stopping trying to understand what someone is saying reduces the load on the auditory centers in the brain by up to 80%! This means that your concentration and memory will improve. You will also reduce the risk of developing dementia.

“I’ll never be fired again”
I work as a taxi driver, and for this job it is important to be able to hear both passengers and the situation on the road well. But my hearing deteriorated and I started to miss important sounds. The culmination of the problem came when I didn’t hear the police siren, blocked the path of the patrol and received not only a fine, but also a complaint from a passenger who was in a hurry to catch a train. The company gave me a warning and told me that if it happened again, I would be fired.

I was already thinking about losing my job, but one day I was driving an elderly man who told me that he had not heard anything for six months, and now he even enjoys the opera. He explained to me that it was not the hearing aid that helped him, but special therapy.

After a short thought, I became interested in this therapy and decided to try it. After just a week of treatment, I began to notice changes. I could even hear the quiet conversations of the passengers in the back seat and react to all the sounds on the road. And my wife was happy – now I could answer her immediately! My hearing returned, and with it, my job security and peace of mind in life.

Scientifically proven effectiveness!

11 independent laboratories around the world tested the neuroprotective bioactivator for efficacy, safety, and quality. All tests were successfully completed, and I received a number of awards for my work, including “Discovery of the Year”!

Below you can find the results of the clinical research:

Minimum sound noise [dB]
Result after 28 days: accurate sound at 4 dB


Percentage of understanding sounds [%]
Result after 28 days: auditory organs are sensitive to human language, ability to fully understand language in loud or numerous places

Result after 28 days: maximally expanded range of audible frequencies, precise perception of high and low tones

100% guarantee of safety, efficiency and simplicity:
To restore reliable hearing, you don’t need to make any effort, have any special skills, or read any complicated instructions – you just need to remember to use the neuroprotective bioactivator daily. This takes literally a few minutes.
The neuroprotective bioactivator guarantees 7 times better results than a hearing aid, as it is the only and first product in the world that restores damaged hearing cells. 100% of users agree with this effect: ideal hearing in 28 days!
Neuroprotective bioactivator is a 100% natural therapy. It does not contain substances that can irritate the body. This is very important. With it you can sleep peacefully, because for healthy hearing you do not pay with risk. It can be freely used even if you regularly take medications or supplements, because it does not react with other substances.

I am no longer cut off from the world”
This is fantastic! I still can’t believe that I regained my hearing so easily and quickly. After using this product, I noticed positive changes very quickly, because it became easier for me to communicate with people. Soon I could watch TV and talk on the phone calmly. But the funniest thing was when my husband turned on the TV, and I said to him: “What are you doing, are you deaf or what?” We laughed a lot!

Significant hearing improvement in just 48 hours

Scientifically proven effectiveness

Ideal hearing in 28 days

Easy to use

Comprehensive regeneration of the three auditory mechanisms (eardrum, hair cells, auditory nerve)

100% natural and safe method

Listen to the beauty of the world, enjoy every moment – and do it with great savings!
I called my neuroprotective bioactivator for hearing restoration “U Caps” . This product can be with you in just a few days! If you want to save money, this is your chance. I have started a promotion that lasts from 10.02.2025 to 17.02.2025 (inclusive). Within the framework of this promotion you can order “U Caps” with a discount of 65%.

Don’t forget that my neuroprotective bioactivator for hearing restoration has numerous certificates of quality, effectiveness, and safety. It also has a triple satisfaction guarantee, so you don’t risk anything.

In the end, I want to say that I am very happy that with my help you will become a new person in just three weeks. You will regain your hearing and the joy in life. I am proud that I can help you with that.

I wish you good health! Until next time!
Dr. Elena Stojanovska






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