Methods for treating attitudes are stuck in the Stone Age! A famous Jewish rheumatologist says he will teach you how not to become disabled in the absence of effective treatment.

Methods for treating attitudes are stuck in the Stone Age! A famous Jewish rheumatologist says he will teach you how not to become disabled in the absence of effective treatment.
Attention! Every resident of Macedonia can receive a medicine with unique results! Read the article and participate in the raffle offered at the end of the article.

Professor Dan Caspi: Macedonian doctors completely ignore the real cause of attitude diseases! And therefore, there are no methods for treatment. How not to become a victim of medical bureaucracy and how to be healthy?

Professor Dan Caspi

Head of the Department of Rheumatology and the FMF Clinic

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Leading specialist in the field of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Medical experience – 38 years.

Professor Dan Caspi is in Macedonia. The disease of attitudes is still treated with outdated and ineffective means that require constant use throughout life. In Israel and Europe, attitudes are treated like a cold or a cough.

Last year, Professor Dan Caspi came to Macedonia to participate in the XI International Medical Forum. According to him, what he saw in Macedonia is impossible to explain. In our country, according to Professor Caspi, rheumatology is stuck in the middle of the last century. After major speeches in Europe, Professor Dan Caspi accepted an interview from Macedonian journalists. We found out what the famous rheumatologist did not like about Macedonian medicine. And why he claims that Macedonian citizens with diseases of the joints will never recover. We also received a series of recommendations for citizens on how to avoid becoming disabled in case of ineffective treatment!

– You said that what you saw in Macedonia surprised you. Can you comment on this?

– I want to emphasize that I have good relations with Macedonia, its culture and citizens. But the state of medicine in your country is truly deplorable. Your medicine lags behind Israeli medicine by at least 20, and maybe 30 years – in the treatment of diseases of the joints and the locomotor system. It should be said that such a science as rheumatology almost does not exist in Macedonia. Macedonian doctors recommend treating joints with various medications.
However, these medications do not cure the joints and cartilage, they only relieve the symptoms of the disease: pain, inflammation and swelling. Now imagine what happens at the level of the organism. When a person takes pills, analgesic gel or injections, the pain disappears. But after the medicine stops working, the pain immediately returns to the initial stage. And pain is an important signal, it shows that the pathological process is occurring in the joint, with a simple suppression of pain, the affected joints are exposed to even greater harmful effects. The process of destruction accelerates 3-5 times and ultimately leads to irreversible changes, death. and disability.

Rheumatoid arthritis of postural deformity (the rate of disease development is 4 months from the first symptoms).
This method of combating pain in the joints has not been used in Europe for more than 20 years. Painkillers are used only in extreme cases and very precisely. In Israel, they are sold only by prescription and under strict control.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people die from blood poisoning and sepsis, which begin due to degeneration of the joints and surrounding tissues. Painful joints not only cause pain and disability, they are also a constant source of infection for the body, which provokes blood poisoning and sepsis. The joints move, and all this spreads throughout the body, putting enormous pressure on all organs. This means that anyone with pain in the joints is basically falling apart from the inside out. At any moment, the heart can stop, a blood vessel in the brain can dilate, liver cancer or kidney failure can develop. Not to mention disability of the joints or swelling.

And what about the treatment of joints in Israel?

– All Jewish doctors, from professors of rheumatology to ordinary therapists and medical staff, have long understood that it is necessary to eliminate not the consequence of the disease, but its cause. This is the key to complete, quick and safe treatment. What is the main cause of joint damage? This is the deposition of uric acid crystals with impaired blood circulation and circulation of synovial fluid. That is why many Macedonians come to Israel for treatment of complex diseases.
Urates are real salts of uric acid, the cause of gout. Osteophytes – calcified salts, are the cause of the other 97% of diseases of the joints and spine. All types of arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, bursitis and even hygroma. All these diseases have one cause – the deposition of osteophytes. Salts deposited on the surface of the joint, like sandpaper, damage the surrounding tissues – bones and cartilage. Uric acid crystals begin to damage muscle tissue, tears, blood vessels and capillaries. This causes inflammation, infection, swelling and severe pain.
In advanced cases, a large accumulation of salts can easily damage part of the bone, causing a sharp movement, resulting in complete inability to work and permanent immobilization.
A very dangerous mistake is the idea that calcium is good for joints. Yes, calcium is good, but it is only good for healthy joints. When joints are already damaged, it means that a layer of osteophytes has already formed, and calcium, in addition to healing bone tissue, heals the salts of osteophytes, heals them and accelerates their growth. In this way, Israeli rheumatologists first restore blood circulation to the diseased joints, so that the uric acid salts accumulated over the years can be removed from it. This, in turn, restores normal blood circulation to the synovial fluid and begins the process of rebuilding the tissues of the joints.

The growth of uric acid salt crystals on the surfaces of the joints is the cause of all pathologies.

In fact, human joints have a high regenerative capacity, they can regenerate themselves like a lizard’s tail. They need a little help in this – if the uric acid salts are freed from the crystals, the process will continue by itself.
Back in the 90s of the last century, Swiss scientists managed to obtain a special component. It is obtained by synthesizing natural ingredients: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin D3. The main task of zinc and vitamin D3 is to stimulate the regeneration of cartilage tissue. The main task is the creation of new bone tissue. Can you imagine the biological power of such a mechanism? There is still nothing in nature more effective in stimulating blood circulation in bones and joints.
This substance can penetrate the molecules of uric acid salt crystals and break them from the inside – as a result, the surfaces of the joints are cleaned, blood circulation and synovial fluid circulation are restored. Until the salts are collected again (but this takes several decades). There is no need to constantly use drugs to relieve pain and inflammation. You will not be afraid that one day the joint will become permanently inactive, or there will be a complete loss of mobility and a prosthesis will be needed. When I saw the Macedonian medical statistics, I continued. Do you know what is the most common cause of disability in Macedonia? It is not cancer, not AIDS or diabetes, but arthrosis! Which in Israel is treated with the cheapest medicine for 2-3 weeks, but in Macedonia this disease causes disability!
Today in Israel, joint diseases are not considered dangerous pathologies, unless, of course, if we are talking about severe traumatic injuries: fractures, sprains, etc. Pain and inflammation of the joints only indicate that they are “infected” with salts and it is time to clean them. After a four-week “cleaning”, the joints return to normal, and you can forget about the problems for the next decade.
Diseases of the joints, which are treated separately in Macedonia, are already treated together in Israel, Europe and America and have long been combined into one disease “Articulatio de sales”. These diseases are:

This is a very short list, but other diseases are only subspecies of these main pathologies. For example, coxarthrosis is a subspecies of arthrosis, and so on.
This entire long list of diseases is very easy to treat, a simple cleaning of the joints restores severely deformed joints and their mobility. It is completely safe, does not even require medical attention and is produced at home.

– How do they “clean” the joints in Israel?

– Today there are special drugs designed to clean the joints from salt deposits and deep recovery. They contain the same component that I told you about. For example, one of the best is Nautubone. Nautubone contains minerals and vitamin D3, an easily digestible form, due to which the drug has increased effectiveness. This is a unique achievement of the Israeli Institute of Rheumatology and Orthopedics – an exclusively natural formula that has been collected and improved for more than 7 years.
Nautubone contains a complex of systemic arthritis – vitamins, macro- and microelements designed to improve the functioning of joint tissues. That is, it has a complete healing effect on bone and cartilage tissue, synovial fluid, muscle fibers, connective tissue and tendons. The entire possible range of complex effects.

Just look at the side statistics of the classic chondroprotectors, NPSU and Nautubone. The numbers speak for themselves.
Traditional chondroprotectors
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Proven effect
Prevention and treatment of postural diseases
Reducing inflammation and pain
Complete recovery of attitudes
Principle of operation
Long-term feeding of the attitude with minimal doses of restorative substances without analgesic effect
Temporary relief of disease symptoms: pain, inflammation, fever
Simultaneous external and internal nourishment of the attitude leads to the complete elimination of the symptoms that cause the disease.
Duration of therapy
8-12 months
It has been used for years
1-3 months
Side effects
– liver pressure
– Nausea, stomach pain
– Weakness, dizziness
– Kidney failure
– Hypertension, heart
– Stomach ulcer
No side effects, except for individual intolerance
With the effect of successful treatment of the disease
They only work in the early stages of the disease as a preventive measure.
It does not cure attitudes.
Quickly restores attitudes
Restoration of the knee joint affected by atherosclerosis. The patient used it and after a month, the structure and mobility of the joint was completely restored. The pain completely disappeared.

– Nautubone, as far as we know, is not sold in Macedonian pharmacies?

– That’s the point, Macedonian doctors propose to “feed” tons of analgesics and chondroprotectors to the population, rather than offer real treatment.
Without a doubt, Macedonian rheumatologists, at least some who are interested in progressive treatment methods, know about Nautubone and its recovery capabilities.
As far as I know, the manufacturer of Nautubone wanted to enter the Macedonian market. But he was forbidden, which is understandable due to hundreds of barriers – if this drug appears in pharmacies, then the Macedonian pharmaceutical mafia will suffer huge losses. Pharmacology today is a business! Even here in Israel. But business in Israel is controlled by the state and I have the right to judge what is happening in Macedonia, you know better about it.

– What advice would you give to people living in Macedonia and worried about their finances?

– Ordinary people, especially people over 50, feel the backwardness of Macedonian medicine the most. It is not their fault, it is simply that the healthcare system does not function properly.
But luckily there is a solution! We have agreed with the National Research Center for Rheumatology of Macedonia that the drug will be available to all citizens of Macedonia with attitude problems. A special official website has been created through which every resident of Macedonia can get Nautubone. You can receive it by mail. These distribution campaigns will be held 1-2 times a year, unfortunately we cannot do it more often for some reasons.

We have been distributing Nautubone for more than a year. Several thousand citizens of Macedonia have already taken advantage of this opportunity. We ask everyone who took Nautubone to rate how much the drug helped them on a scale of 1 to 10. So far, more than 4,000 people have participated in the survey, and the average rating of the drug is 9.97 out of 10.

– How long will the preferential distribution of the drug last?

– Until the selected batch is over. But I want to warn you that there are very few quantities of this drug. Orders are growing rapidly. People are passing information on to each other, advising friends, relatives. We did not expect that information would spread so quickly.
While there is a drug, we recommend providing information about its benefits to all people over 40 years of age.

Just enter your name and phone number in the form below. The application has been sent to the consultants, from whom you can find out if Nautubone is suitable for solving your problem.






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