How Dimitar Stojanov, a 69-year-old film director, ended up in a wheelchair due to arthritis that destroyed his joints and what helped him recover.
In the program DOMASHEN PROGRAM they told us how Dimitar Stojanov ended up in a wheelchair:
“Dimitar worked too much on stage, filming various projects. During the last filming, he often complained of pain in his knees. He suffered from gonarthrosis for a long time, constantly had to receive injections that did not help him. He even went to Germany, but everything was in vain. ‘He could barely walk, he had to work in a wheelchair. But, fortunately, everything ended well, Dimitar got better.’”
Our editorial team conducted an exclusive interview with Dimitar. The actor revealed shocking details about his serious illness and the incredible story of how his joints healed after 5 years of suffering!
We are happy that Dimitar is healthy and continues to do what he loves.
Host: Dimitar, greetings! Thank you for agreeing to give an exclusive interview for our publication. There are many rumors circulating about your health. Some even claim that they saw you in a wheelchair. Is that true?
Dimitar Stojanov: Greetings. Unfortunately, yes, that is not a fabrication. I was in a wheelchair, although not for long. But even a few months in a wheelchair were enough for me to feel all the “charms” of such a life.
Host: What happened to you?
Dimitar Stojanov: I have a problem with my knee, grade 3 gonarthrosis. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. It is my fault because I neglected it. I should have started treatment earlier, but all I did was take analgesics – I could not stop filming, that is my job. Despite the pain, I had to work, otherwise I would have let the whole team down.
I continued to work, I did theater, I filmed movies, I traveled to all the countries of Europe. But my health was getting worse every day. Every month my knees hurt more and more, and my back started to hurt too. I could barely walk. One morning I woke up and couldn’t take a single step. Everything hurt, from my knees to my spine. The doctors said it was a pinched nerve. I had to move around in a wheelchair. It was a nightmare!
We had to stop filming. And that meant a huge loss of money. My actors lost their jobs, many left me because they wanted and had to work. My family took me abroad for treatment. But they couldn’t help me there. I didn’t get better, even though we spent a lot of money. I got into debt. When I realized that nothing was helping, I insisted on returning to Macedonia, I wanted to be home.
And I went back to work again, because I spent a lot of money abroad. I had to pay back my debts. I continued to sit in a wheelchair. BUT HOW CAN A DIRECTOR WORK IN A WHEELCHAIR AND WITH PAIN RELIEF? Fortunately, I found a solution. We continued filming as soon as I recovered.
Host: How did you manage to get out of the wheelchair?
Dimitar Stoyanov: Our famous doctor Marko Labudov helped me, you all know him. He prescribed me a cream-balm, which I was supposed to use twice a day for a month.
That cream helped me recover. The back pain disappeared! As if it had never been there… I STARTED TO CRY FROM RELIEF! It contains very effective ingredients such as: Vitis Vinifera seed oil, Caesalpinia Spinosa, amber extract and others. It was developed by Swiss scientists.
That is why no other product can compare to it. And I felt it firsthand. The pain disappeared in a few days. I got out of the wheelchair and gradually began to walk independently. I could visit the theater, meet people for work, plan new projects. But in order to get rid of the consequences of the disease, I went through the entire course of treatment, as Marko Labudov told me. This product has a cumulative effect, it is important to use it throughout the entire treatment. I forgot about the pain in my back and legs.
I was able to work again, do projects, earn money and gradually repay debts.
I am standing, as you can see!
I am working and enjoying life. I was in safe hands at the right time. If it were not for Dr. Marko Labudov, my career would have been buried. It is difficult to imagine what would have happened if he had not helped me.
Host: Dimitar, thank you for the honest interview! Be healthy and continue to delight us with your art for as long as possible!
Dimitar Stoyanov: Thank you for your concern. I also want to thank my fans for their support!
Our editorial team visited Dr. Marko Labudov. We are talking about joint diseases and the new Swiss product that helps to completely restore joints, eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation after one treatment!
Dr. Marko Labudov
Doctor, orthopedic surgeon, therapist, TV presenter, public figure, author of books on health.
Host: Good afternoon, Marko. Today we want to talk to you about joint diseases. This question worries many of our readers.
Marko Labudov: Yes, unfortunately, more than 70% of the population over 45 years old suffers from joint and spine diseases. And after 60 years, this percentage reaches 85%!
And most of them are to blame for their own problems!
Our people, especially the elderly, do not want to be treated. They suffer until the pain becomes unbearable. And when that moment comes, all they do is take diclofenac or ketonal.
I want these people to understand that ointments, injections and other synthetic drugs harm their health. Yes, they can give a temporary effect, but this will have a negative impact on your health in 6-7 weeks.
Painkillers (which are considered the main method of treating joints in our country: diclofenac, ketorol, etc.) provoke the development of gastritis and ulcers, and also have a negative impact on the liver. People do not understand that analgesics only mask the symptoms, they do not solve the problem.
As a result, the disease progresses, destroying the joints and causing unbearable pain.
Marko Labudov: The main cause of joint and spine problems is insufficient production of synovial fluid.
Synovial fluid acts as a natural lubricant. When there is not enough synovial fluid, joints wear out and deteriorate. The knees, fingers, elbows and spine suffer first.
Host: How dangerous are joint diseases?
Marko Labudov: The main complications of joint diseases are a change in the shape of the joints, severe restriction of movement, and ankylosis, which completely immobilizes the joint and fixes it in a position, often incorrect.
With incomplete bending and straightening of the joints, the axes of the limbs change, along which the main mechanical load of the body is distributed. Due to the systematic violation of the correct axis of the limbs, the load on other joints increases, which causes secondary degenerative changes.
This is especially important when it comes to large joints: knees, hips, ankle joints.
The person feels SEVERE UNBEARABLE PAIN, the patient’s quality of life decreases: the person cannot walk normally, perform everyday household tasks. He has to change jobs, give up hobbies, in 80% of cases he becomes disabled.
Due to the inability to live a full life, depressive disorders can develop. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and start treatment as early as possible, until the changes in the joints become irreversible.
Host: How to restore joints, remove pain and stiffness of movements?
Marko Labudov: Tablets are NOT effective. Physical therapy can be useful, but it is not enough!
To permanently get rid of joint pain, you first need to normalize the production of synovial fluid and reduce inflammation.
Host: How can the production of synovial fluid be improved?
Marko Labudov: There is only one product that stimulates the production of synovial fluid and completely restores the joint at the cellular level!
It is OsteAction – a unique product developed at the Swiss Institute for Clinical Research in cooperation with Macedonian partners. OsteAction is a complex of rare natural ingredients, selected in appropriate proportions, that activate the cellular processes of regeneration and renewal of joint tissues.
Host: Is that the product you prescribed to Dimitar?
Marko Labudov: Yes. This cream-balm contains a very powerful and rare ingredient. This composition can increase the production of synovial fluid by 70% and accelerate tissue regeneration at the cellular level several times.
By applying the treatment, the process of degeneration and destruction of the joint is stopped and the process of tissue renewal begins.
In addition, OsteAction contains active components. The first component provides a strong analgesic effect and quickly removes inflammation, while the second improves circulation in the joint capsule, increases mobility, prevents wear and tear and protects joint tissues from age-related changes.
In this way, we have a powerful formula that can quickly and effectively restore the ability to lead an active lifestyle.
OsteAction: the only effective remedy in the fight against joint diseases.
Main features of OsteAction:
• Purification of synovial fluid;
• Reduction of inflammation;
• Reduction of pain;
• Repair of damaged joint tissues;
• Protection from further destruction of the joint.
The most important thing when treating joints is not to harm your body. Therefore, do not constantly use anti-inflammatory ointments with analgesics such as ketorolac, diclofenac and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
These substances cause ulcers, damage the stomach, and their uncontrolled use can have irreversible consequences for the liver and kidneys. A joint medicine must be effective and safe.
Currently, OsteAction is the only product that meets these requirements. The active components of this cream contribute to the rapid restoration of joints, eliminate pain and inflammation, without affecting the stomach and liver.
I GUARANTEE that this medicine is the best that modern science has achieved in the field of joint treatment. And I am proud that this product is an invention of Switzerland in cooperation with Macedonian partners. I recommend it to everyone! One of my patients completely got rid of pain in just 8 weeks, is engaged in sports and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren. And she is 73 years old.
Results of OsteAction laboratory research at the Macedonian Clinical Research Institute:
A group of subjects (1000 people) with joint diseases of various etiologies used OsteAction daily for a month.
During the study, the following results were achieved:
Eliminating joint pain — 98%
2. Significant improvement in joint mobility — 96%
3. Reduction of swelling – 97%
4. Elimination of the inflammatory process — 96%
It has been proven that OsteAction has a strong effect on improving joint mobility and the production of synovial fluid. It is recommended for patients with joint diseases such as arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, gout and many other pathologies.
The results of laboratory research show:
1. Joints and spine
In 98.3% of patients, pain in the joints and spine is completely eliminated. The result is almost 100%! I have never seen anything like it before, no other medicine has been so effective.
Thanks to its natural composition and the absence of chemical substances and GMOs, OsteAction fights the cause of the disease. It helps to remove swelling, inflammation and pain in the joints, as well as fully restore joint function at home in just 1.5-2 months.
OsteAction is effective for arthritis and osteoarthritis of various etiologies, infections, age-related changes, injuries, increased load and is suitable for the treatment of all diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
2. Vital energy and activity
All those who used OsteAction noticed a sharp increase in energy. This is due to the fact that the ingredients of the product stimulate the production of certain hormones, especially the hormone of youth and the hormone of happiness – dopamine. The person wants to be active, does not get tired. Sleep is normalized, insomnia disappears, and cellular rejuvenation of human biological systems occurs.
3. Immune system
During the use of OsteAction, patients improve the supply of bone marrow, which participates in the production of immune cells. This strengthens the body’s defenses.
A strong immune system protects not only from viruses. The main function of a strong immune system is protection against cancer cells. A strong immune system recognizes and destroys cancer cells in a timely manner, preventing the formation of tumors.
4. Healthy blood pressure
The active substances of OsteAction penetrate the blood vessels and spread throughout the body. Initial studies have shown that the product has an incredible ability to reduce blood pressure to normal levels according to age.
In addition, OsteAction has shown that:
1. Dissolves cholesterol deposits in blood vessels
2. Increases capillary permeability
3. Eliminates blood vessel spasm caused by stress
4. Finally, normalizes pressure
OsteAction is not just a medicine for treating joints. This is a product that completely restores health! Joint diseases are usually accompanied by other problems, but OsteAction can solve most of them.
This is a natural remedy that allows you to get rid of joint and back pain at home in just 1.5-2 months, without surgery and without visiting a doctor.
The product is certified in Macedonia. It has a completely natural composition and has no side effects.
It has a wide range of action and a complex effect on damaged joints.
It is recommended for use in: arthritis and osteoarthritis in all stages, inflammation and infections, age-related changes, injuries, increased stress and congenital defects.
OsteAction is currently the most effective and safest product for restoring joint health (clinically proven).
Many artists, athletes and dancers also appreciate the unique properties of OsteAction!
Host: Where can you buy this product? Is OsteAction sold in pharmacies?
Marko Labudov: As I already explained, pharmacies are not interested in
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