Is it possible for one gender to survive on its own? It’s a complex answer. The issue is being asked more frequently as more women than ever before vow to abstain from having sex with males. Can one gender live without the other? The answer is complicated. With more women than ever going #boysober and swearing off relations with a man, the question is being raised more often. Ultimately, it may be easier for women to live without men. While men are traditional “providers,” there are many strong women who both provide for their households and have powerful social bonds with other women. On the other hand, men often overlook the domestic or emotional labor that women perform.
Is there one important caveat to consider? The existence of men allows for reproduction. However, since the world we live in is already quite overpopulated, this is the only downside from a biological standpoint.
Here are all the ways that it would be easier for women to live without men.
1.They have stronger social networks
Many men struggle to establish meaningful relationships with other men that extend beyond superficial interactions. They often rely on female romantic partners for emotional well-being, making it difficult for them to live without women. Women, however, are more likely to have deeper social bonds with both their friends and family. This support system will make it easier to survive. As the saying goes—it takes a village…of women!
2. Single moms prove that women can be providers, too
The gender stereotype of men as hunters and women as gatherers has been disproven, and so should the myth that only men can be providers.Women have natural maternal instincts, making them great caretakers. Strong single women and single mothers have proven time and time again that women can be high earners while offering emotional support for themselves and their families
3. Men rely on women for emotional needs
Women are 1.6 times more likely to get mental health treatment than men, who experience emotional repression due to toxic masculinity and other factors. Men often rely on women for emotional support. Women often rely on themselves and their support network of other women or go to therapy without feeling the shame and stigma that men do.
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