Today we have a special guest, Professor Dr. Dušan Knežević, a Macedonian physician, scientist, academic, and one of the leading urologists.
Dušan Knežević is one of the few doctors in the medical field who does not accept lies and makes every effort to help those in need. For this reason, we were concerned by his statement about Macedonian medicine in the treatment of urology and potency.
Dr. Knežević says that he was shocked after visiting hospital urology departments in 32 different countries
For comparison, the incidence of prostatitis problems in men over 50 in Germany is only 31%.
Despite being busy, Dr. Knežević answered our correspondent’s questions. He said that the methods used to treat inflammation and prostate examinations are not being used throughout Macedonia. He explains why he thinks so.
Doctor, you recently stated that all Macedonian urologists are dishonest and that the methods for treating prostatitis problems in Macedonia have no future. Can you clarify this statement a little?
Definitely. First of all, I would like to apologize to the thousands of people who were offended by these statements. However, this needs to be talked about so that everyone knows. Otherwise, nothing will change.
Terrible things are happening in urology in Macedonia. Especially in terms of treating prostate inflammation. The treatment methods used today in Macedonia are 20 to 30 years behind the current ones.
The combination will surprise, but worldwide, PROSTATITIS IS NO LONGER CONSIDERED A CHRONIC DISEASE AS IT IS EASILY TREATED! Unfortunately, this progress still does not remain the norm in our country. Medicine in Macedonia activates its results on soothing rectal prostate massages and unspecified physical therapy, such as galvanic, electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetic therapy and the use of powerful options, which can be risky.
These methods, which are not only painful, but also expensive, fail to offer a cure, which allows the disease to progress. While antibiotics may temporarily suppress harmful bacteria, they tend to re-emerge within 1-2 months, leading to a recurrence of prostate inflammation. This, in turn, causes prostatitis to escalate from stage 1 to stages 2, 3, 4, and beyond.
In addition, complications arise in the form of potency problems, often called erectile dysfunction. This condition, characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection, can strain relationships and cause the patient to suffer from pain, urinary problems, and reproductive dysfunction. MOST ALARMING, THERE IS A RISK OF PROSTATE CANCER.
Prostate cancer ranks among the most fatal diseases in men.
This situation is deeply concerning and can no longer be ignored.
Why is the medical sector in Macedonia lagging behind?
Because no one cares about anything! The training of doctors, young and old, who work in state clinics is insufficient.
Well-trained doctors work in private clinics. Their priority is not to cure their patients or let them treat themselves, but to keep their income.
So, they ask patients to pay more for rectal massage sessions and procedures using various medical devices.
It is much more profitable to return the patient by prescribing antibiotics, which will have a temporary effect.
Some of the doctors do not even try to find modern methods of treatment, prescribing only the drugs that their superiors tell them. People do not care.
Unfortunately, medicine in Macedonia is very corrupt. I have traveled to many countries, but I have never seen such chaos as in Macedonia… In a word, it is terrible.
What approaches are used in developed countries to address prostatitis and potency issues?
It is necessary to understand the root cause of these problems. In 2003, scientists from Denmark were able to determine that the primary cause of prostatitis is impaired blood circulation in the pelvic region. This area contains numerous delicate capillaries that facilitate the blood supply to the prostate. These capillaries can become obstructed due to aging or various harmful factors, leading to impaired blood circulation.
Since the prostate is responsible for the production of 18 essential hormones for men, the blockage deprives it of the necessary nutrients and oxygen. This leads to a stagnation phase. Subsequently, the gland experiences inflammation and swelling, known as acute prostatitis. The accumulation of secretion is called chronic prostatitis, which in due course affects potency, making a man unable to achieve and maintain an erection.
This knowledge does not enlighten us about the necessary measures to combat prostatitis and potency problems. Instead of resorting to powerful antibiotics to eliminate bacteria, as doctors in Macedonia practice, the focus should be on correcting the stagnation. Essentially, the goal is to restore normal blood circulation to the prostate.
In 2007, researchers made a significant breakthrough when they discovered that a specialized vitamin A derivative called alpha-hydroxyretinol has the potential to clear the small capillaries in the pelvic area. Interestingly, this compound is found in high amounts in the Gotu Kola plant. Our Pro Drops tea formula harnesses the power of this compound and also integrates the effects of Alas to provide maximum health benefits for men.
Alpha-hydroxyretinol has the ability to infiltrate cholesterol molecules, which have a consistency similar to melted butter, thereby clogging the vessels and breaking them down from the inside. This process effectively cleanses the veins and capillaries in the pelvic area.
Our clinic has established through empirical evidence that treatment with alpha-hydroxyretinol results in complete resolution of prostatitis. This is achieved by relieving stagnation and re-establishing normal blood circulation in the prostate. Complete healing means that there will be no recurrence of prostatitis in the following years. Along with this, patients experience relief from persistent pain, reduction of inflammation, normalization of erection and urination, and improvement of libido.
This embodies the essence of modern treatment for men’s health, which is now accepted by the majority of countries around the world.
Are there any pharmaceutical products that contain alpha-hydroxyretinol? Do you have any recommendations for individuals in Macedonia seeking treatment?
There is indeed a resolution to this issue and I bring encouraging news to those suffering from prostatitis. There is a drug that is incredibly effective for men of all ages and surpasses its global counterparts in effectiveness! Furthermore, this drug was developed domestically, although it has not received the recognition it deserves. It is significantly more affordable and effective than similar products from the United States.
The drug is called Pro Drops and was formulated at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy. In addition to containing nettle root (alpha-hydroxyretinol), Pro Drops contains 30 additional components that are beneficial to men’s health, carefully measured and combined. It is a comprehensive supplement for men’s health. Although I will not list all the constituents, I will list a few
Uva (Uvae folium):
Uva leaves have traditionally been used in folk medicine as a remedy for swelling and inflammation. They may help improve the flow and function of the urinary tract by helping to eliminate excess fluid from the body.
Birch (Betulae folium):
Birch leaves have diuretic properties and are often used to improve kidney function. They can also help eliminate toxins from the body and reduce inflammation.
Parsley (Petroselini folium):
Parsley is known for its diuretic and antiseptic properties. It can help treat urinary tract infections and help eliminate excess fluid.
Nettle root (Urticae radix):
Stinging nettle has been traditionally used to treat a variety of genitourinary problems, including prostate inflammation (prostatitis) and bladder diseases. Stinging nettle may also help improve kidney function and eliminate toxins.
Rosemary (Rosmarini folium):
Rosemary is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help improve blood disease, reduce inflammation, and take care of the system.
Is this medicine, Pro Drops, available in Macedonia? Can it be purchased at local pharmacies?
Although it is manufactured in Macedonia, it cannot be purchased in pharmacies. You wouldn’t believe it. The bureaucracy in Macedonia cannot be beaten.
As far as I know, the manufacturer tried to work with pharmacies, but to no avail. Nobody wants people to be treated at home. Neither doctors nor pharmacies like this situation.
However, we have good news for men in Macedonia. Pro Drops can be ordered online and is available nationwide.
The official website of Pro Drops is currently conducting a survey of men who received the product at a discount and underwent treatments. The purpose of this research is to find out how effective the drug is. More than 2,000 men participated in the survey. Here are the results:
Normalization of urination patterns, both in frequency and volume, in 99% of participants
Reduction in prostate inflammation in 96% of participants
Restoration of potency in 93% of participants
Improvement in overall well-being in 98% of participants
As you can see, Pro Drops helps improve the health of most men. I already mentioned that the treatment can be done at home.
How long will the advertising campaign last?
The University of Medicine and Pharmacy has allocated a significant amount of Pro Drops for this purpose. However, it is practically sold out. Recently, Pro Drops has become increasingly popular.
I believe that people are learning about its capabilities and recommending it to others.
Editor’s note:
After the interview, we contacted the manufacturer and asked for permission to include the official entry form for the award on our website. They graciously agreed to our request.
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