Natural hair growth starts here!

Prof. Dimitar Petrov: «Thick hair is no longer a dream. This is a reality that awaits you in 30 days!» A revolutionary tool universally recognized by a trichologist-cosmetologist from Macedonia is winning over users.
activation of 100% hair follicles
strong hair growth – up to 3 cm per month
hair thickening up to 400%

This therapy fights all types of alopecia.

Professor Dimitar Petrov

Chief physician of the medical center “Institute for Healthy Hair” in Skopje.

More than 30 years of experience.


You have come to this page, which means you have alopecia, increased hair loss or sparse and thin hair. That is why I am very pleased to tell you that …

You no longer have to feel like you’ve lost the battle. You’re solving this problem today!
In a few days, your hair will start growing at an incredible speed, and you will forever forget about your complexes and be proud of your hairstyle.
You no longer have to go from specialist to specialist or take hundreds of tests to find out why you are losing hair – because this method brings guaranteed results regardless of:
Causes of baldness
Gender and age
Lifestyle and diet
All those dormant and dead follicles on your head can be reactivated and produce hair thicker than ever before! Yes, this is not science fiction, but the result of advanced research. This is confirmed, for example, by Blagoj, who was bald for 10 years.

“For the first time in 10 years, I love my reflection in the mirror”

My grandfather was bald, my father was bald, and I always knew I would be bald. But when it finally happened, I was lost. I felt incomplete. What could I do? Wear a wig like a clown? No, thank you.

But a few years ago, the sun burned my head so badly that I got heatstroke. I passed out and hit my head on the sidewalk. Baldness could have killed me. Seriously?

I didn’t believe that this product could help me. There wasn’t a single hair on my head, my skin was smooth. But I tried and I’m grateful to myself. My hair has grown back. I feel like myself again and I want to live again. The inventors of this product deserve a Nobel Prize.

Activate TURBO HAIR GROWTH on your head
The average person has about 150,000 hairs, even though there are about 4 times as many follicles! Just stimulate them and enjoy thicker hair than ever before. Unfortunately, until now, this has not been possible…

Here’s to the discovery of a formula that you can now use too! This breakthrough allows 100% of follicles to be activated just 7 days after application – even those that have been inactive for years.

Thanks to this, as many as 600,000 strong hairs will start growing on your scalp. This means your hair will be up to 400% thicker!

activation of 100% of follicles in 7 days

hair thickening by 400% in 1 month

1.5-2 times faster hair growth: up to 3 cm in 1 month

Human hair grows at an average rate of 1 cm per month. This formula accelerates hair growth by 1.5-2 times. This means that your hair will grow at an incredible speed – as much as 3 cm per month! I know a woman who succeeded… fantastically!

“I have great hair and I get paid for it!”

They promised me that my hair would grow 3 cm per month, but that wasn’t enough for me! I also quit smoking and switched to a healthy diet. The result? My hair grew even faster! In a year, I grew more than 44 cm of hair and… I sold it!

The company that buys hair for wigs was delighted. For such thick and strong hair, they paid me as much as 1500 euros . Great income! With that money, I went on vacation to Ohrid. That means that not only do I look and feel great, but I also enjoyed the vacation.

I would just add that before the therapy I had serious hormonal disorders and female androgenetic alopecia. The trichologists told me that nothing could be done. Well, they were obviously wrong!

Turbo hair growth and thickening is just the beginning!
When the team and I worked on the formula for rapid hair growth, we wanted this unique product to meet all your hair needs. That’s why it not only activates accelerated growth from each follicle, but also:

Therefore, it not only activates accelerated growth from each follicle, but also:

Stops hair loss forever
Each hair follicle is “programmed” into an active growth phase (anagen), which allows for firm anchoring of the hair and prevents its loss.

Thickens each hair up to 60%
It increases the volume of the hairstyle and makes the hair healthy and strong.

Intensively regenerates and strengthens the hair structure
Hair becomes shiny and resistant to breakage, split ends, mechanical and thermal damage, as well as UV rays.

Prevents oily hair and dandruff
After washing, the hair remains fresh and with more volume for a longer time. Dandruff becomes a thing of the past.

Hair is firmly rooted like a tree in the ground!
Imagine the relief when you no longer see a single hair on your brush. You will stop constantly cleaning your hair off the bathtub, furniture, clothes… You will stop living in fear that you will soon be completely bald – just like Marija from Prilep!

I used to have thin, dry hair; today I have thick braids!”

I was desperate. Hair was everywhere: on clothes, furniture, and even in food! The bathroom drain was constantly clogged. It became unbearable when my boyfriend pulled a strand of hair out of the sleeve of my sweater! He was angry and told me I had to do something.

I did hundreds of tests. My iron and hormones were within normal limits. I was already ready to buy a wig, but I discovered this method in time.

Look at my before and after pictures – what a transformation! I would be happy if my hair stopped falling out. But it started growing like never before! It became thick, strong and healthy! It used to get greasy quickly, so I washed it every day. Now I wash it every 3-4 days and it looks fresh.

I’m so happy! And now my boyfriend is proud of me and happily introduces me to his friends.

We owe the revolution in trichology to this discovery.
My team of scientists and I weren’t originally looking for a solution to hair growth at all. Quite the opposite! We were looking for a solution to hypertrichosis, a rare condition that causes excessive hair growth all over the body and is commonly referred to as “wolf hair syndrome.” It’s an inherited disease and is extremely rare – only 100 cases have been reported.

During our research, we discovered that the first cases of hypertrichosis were recorded in the 16th century on the island of Corfu. We also discovered that people consumed a tuberous herb called Salvinia Palmettis.

We were interested in the fact that immediately after the first cases of hypertrichosis were observed, all the fields of this plant were destroyed. We hypothesized that people of that time were wise enough to associate the disease with this plant.

We tracked, found and studied this plant species. The task was not easy, as it is extremely rare. In dense forests, far from civilization, we managed to find several specimens.

The solution to hair loss comes from nature
We have proven that the gene of the herb Salvinia Palmettis is indeed present in the bodies of modern people affected by hypertrichosis. We quickly recognized this herb as a solution for people suffering from hair loss. Based on the extract obtained from it, we created a product for application to the scalp.

Already during testing, the product caused hair growth in 53,000 people affected by various types of alopecia: androgenetic, telogen, plaque, scarring…

This is important.
Many herbs are harmful when consumed, but when applied to the skin, they act as a medicine. For example: tea tree oil is toxic if swallowed, but when applied to the skin, it treats acne. Aloe vera – has a laxative effect when consumed, but when applied to the skin, it treats burns. Arnica – toxic when swallowed, but when applied to the skin, it reduces swelling.

Salvinia Palmettis – the extract from this herb works wonders. It restores thick hair even in completely bald people!

The conclusion of the research is clear:

Salvinia Palmettis , which was used as food 500 years ago, caused hypertrichosis – a rare hereditary trait.

When its extract is properly formulated and applied to the scalp, it helps fight alopecia and activates hair growth – without the risk of hair growing anywhere else on the body except the head.

We took 5 extra steps for impressive results!
To the Salvinia Palmettis extract, we added other natural ingredients, such as coltsfoot, yarrow, quinine bark extract, wheat germ and soybean oil…

… And so we created the first product – Lossless – that combats all types of alopecia, regardless of the cause , while simultaneously providing turbo growth of strong and shiny hair.

Nature is powerful. The combination of extracts contained in Lossless Therapy does the following:

Activates 100% of hair follicles in just 7 days after the first application and increases hair density by 400% within one month

ctivates 100% of hair follicles in just 7 days after the first application and increases hair density by 400% within one month

Restores healthy blood circulation and allows the follicle to maintain rapid growth

Maintains hair in the active growth phase (anagen) and permanently prevents hair loss

Kerastia has restored thick hair to 400,000 men and women who have lost their hair for various reasons, including:
alopecia: androgenic, telogen, plaque, scarring alopecia
scalp diseases (e.g. psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis)
autoimmune diseases
anemia and nutritional deficiencies (e.g. iron, protein, zinc, vitamin D)
hormonal disorders
use of certain medications
physical and emotional stress
The innovation of this product lies in the fact that it is the first hair growth product in history that affects all aspects of the hair growth cycle , targeting both genetic and environmental causes of baldness.

But you don’t have to take my word for it…
Still don’t believe it? Okay! It’s okay to be cautious. And I want to say that you are not alone. But all those who doubted were convinced that the product worked already 7 days after the first use. So rest assured, I am not advertising our invention, I am just honestly explaining what it is and how it can benefit you.

In fact, this is the first product that activates hair follicles (even those that have been inactive or “dead” for years) for continuous production of strong hair.

Even if your head is completely bald at the moment – ​​literally in a month it will be covered with hair up to 2 cm. Independent laboratories around the world (as many as nine!) firmly confirm: it undoubtedly works in all conditions. Even skeptics were convinced of this.

And it doesn’t matter how old you are. Whether you’re in your 20s, 50s, or 70s, the results are the same for everyone. Just 30 days is all you need to see thick, strong hair on your head again. Everyone deserves to be proud of their appearance, no matter their age.

The results of the clinical trials speak for themselves:

Change in hair length

Result after 30 days: an average of 3 cm longer hair

Result after 60 days: an average of 6 cm longer hair

Result after 90 days: an average of 9 cm longer hair

Change in hair density

Result after 30 days: on average 400% thicker hair

Lossless therapy has already received several certificates for quality, efficiency and safety. This is an innovation that we are proud of.

We guarantee that the therapy is:
The product is used as a regular hair care product. Simply apply a few drops to the scalp, massage gently and rinse. No complications.

This is the only product in the world that permanently “programs” hair into an active growth phase and firmly anchors it in the follicles. This is a guarantee of thick, strong and healthy hair. 100% of users confirm this effect.

Lossless is a 100% natural therapy. It does not cause any discomfort. The only side effect is that your hair will stay fresh for twice as long after washing – but I believe you will like it!

“Bald people are discriminated against! I’m so glad that’s behind me!”

“Bald, frustrated idiot” – that’s how my colleagues at work described me (they thought I wasn’t listening). It was unbearable. I felt like an outcast. Every bald man experiences this, even if he doesn’t admit it. People make fun of you and you can’t find a partner. 9 out of 10 women say straight out: “I won’t date a bald man!”

Lossless was a solution not only for my hair, but for my whole life. After a few days, my hair started to grow. After 4 weeks, I already had thick hair. Today, I have a real lion’s mane. I will say modestly – I became handsome.

Life is completely different now. Women smile at me everywhere. I get a better cut of meat at the butcher shop, the best table at the restaurant. I walk with attractive women…

An end to insecurity and humiliation

No more trying to hide thinning hair, receding hairline, baldness

No more failures in the fight for hair regrowth

See how easy it is to get your hair back:

If you wash your hair at night, apply the product at least 30 minutes before washing.

Apply a few drops of the formula to the scalp.

Gently massage the product into the scalp using circular motions for 2 minutes. Start at the hairline and work your way towards the nape of the neck to ensure even application and better absorption. Then gently comb through the hair.

Do not rinse!
Leave the product on the scalp without rinsing so that the ingredients can actively work and penetrate deeper.

Wash your hands.
After application and massage, wash your hands to remove product residue.

Every day you are closer to phenomenally thick and healthy hair.

Very important note
Do not experiment with this formula by applying it to parts of the body other than the head. This can lead to problems, as the hair will be difficult to remove later.

Don’t worry about the hands and fingers you use to massage your scalp – there are no hair follicles on your fingertips, so you can safely use them. However, to be safe, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after application.

Get your natural hair back and be who you are!

Soon you won’t want to cover your head. You’ll want to show the world your thick, strong, and shiny look.

No more using hairstyles that only partially conceal baldness. You will have the hairstyle you desire.

No more artificial hair: extensions, wigs or toupees. Enjoy your natural look.

There is no need to undergo surgery, take serious risks, and pay for it.

The results are a hundred times better than a hair transplant, for 1% of its cost!



This is a surgical procedure in an operating room.

In 60% of cases, an infection occurs after surgery, which must be treated with antibiotics.

Scars remain after surgery

The surgery may be in vain if the body rejects the transplant.

Patients experience long-lasting pain after the procedure.

The procedure usually has to be repeated because some transplants are not successful.

The cheapest option costs 3500 euros.

Natural therapy you can do yourself – in the comfort of your own home

No risk of infections

There is no possibility of scarring.

The results so far have been confirmed in 100% of cases.

Without pain and discomfort

Hair grows evenly across the entire scalp

It costs only 1% of the cost of a transplant.

I was shocked at how quickly my bald spots started growing back! You pay for quality and efficiency, so I don’t understand why it doesn’t cost thousands of euros more? Unbelievable.

I used every possible hair growth lotion from the drugstore. None of them worked. Then I tried Lossless – a real miracle! My husband and I use it together. We look at least ten years younger!

It has a pleasant scent and is easy to use. Plus, the packaging looks great on my bathroom shelf.

Who knew natural extracts were so powerful! I canceled my hair transplant in Turkey because I no longer needed it!

You already know that you are not doomed to baldness, baldness or hair loss. You no longer have to think that it is genetics or age. Forget about expensive preparations whose authors only promise effects, but actually do nothing. You also do not have to take out a loan or save up for hair transplants or injections. These treatments are painful, very expensive and often do not give results.

You only need 30 days to get your beautiful, thick and healthy hair back. It all depends on your one decision:

NO – you would rather be left hairless or completely bald. You are not concerned that you are losing more and more hair and no new hair is growing. You are missing out on an opportunity to improve your life!

YES – you know that in 30 days everything will change: your hair will start growing again, baldness will disappear, and split ends will become just a sad memory. Your hairstyle will cause admiration and delight. You have made the best decision.

Get the attractive look you deserve – and take advantage of the great promotions!

Do you want to undergo the Lossless hair restoration treatment?

If you want to restore your lost hair and save money, now is your perfect chance to do so. I have launched a promotion that will last from 13.02.2025 to 20.02.2025 (inclusive). Don’t delay! Until the end of the promotional day you can get a discount on the treatment. Thanks to this, you can order Lossless 60% cheaper.

Don’t forget, my growth bioactivator has certificates of quality, naturalness, and safety. It’s also backed by a customer satisfaction guarantee, so you’re not risking anything.

All you need to do now is take 2 minutes to complete the order. And in just a few days you will be able to start the Lossless treatment . In 30 days you will achieve an effect you have never dreamed of , and your hair will be thicker, shinier and stronger than ever before.

In the end, I want to tell you that I am very happy that with my help you will start receiving compliments in just 30 days. People will admire your lush hair. You will finally get the thick hair you have dreamed of. Your complexes and problems caused by baldness will disappear. You will gain ease, energy and happiness.






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