If there are warts on the human body, then a colony of deadly parasites has already settled in the internal organs and is destroying the tissues.
According to statistics, more than a billion people suffer from parasitic infection. The most accurate way to diagnose this infection is the presence of warts.
Your questions are answered by: Dusko Jankovski
Expert in aesthetic medicine. Host of the show “Unusual Medical Cases” on the TV Style channel. Author of two books on aesthetic medicine.
Editor’s note: The Institute of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine has discovered the true cause of warts on the human body – infection with parasites. Recent research has shown that the products of the vital activity of parasites are toxic and create an ideal environment in the human stomach for the development of bacteria. Because of this, people infected with parasites may notice that warts appear on their skin.
Today we will discuss this issue with Dusko Jankovski
Correspondent: Good morning! I would like to start with the main question: is it true that the majority of us are infected with parasites?
Dusko Yes. Unfortunately, we are at the very top in terms of parasite infection, this is due to poor environmental conditions, the inaction of the authorities and the indifference of the people themselves to the problem.
Every year, millions of people die from diseases caused by parasites. At the same time, if you examine their death certificates, you will not find any mention of death from parasitic infection. The exceptions are very few and usually are situations in which it is already impossible to ignore the infection, such as when the heart is blocked by parasites. It is not at all useful for local medical authorities to admit that the rate of parasitic infections is very high and that 89% of all deaths are caused by parasites. In addition, diseases caused by parasites force people to go to clinics for expensive medicines. It is a huge market. I hope you understand what I mean.
Correspondent: Dusko, are warts really a sign of parasitic infection?
Dusko Numerous research groups agree that the waste products of parasites lead to the appearance of warts on the skin. Moreover, if you have noticed warts on the skin, it means that the parasites have already settled in the body and are actively laying eggs. This means that any person who has warts is at great risk.
And let me remind you that about 89 percent of all deaths, including so-called “natural deaths,” are caused by just one factor — parasites that slowly eat us from the inside.
Correspondent: So, usually parasites like helminths cause warts on the skin? How can they be the cause of death?
Dusko In fact, it is really a big mistake to think that parasites are only helminths. There are a huge number of different types of parasites that can live in different organs and cause different consequences. In addition, helminths are also quite dangerous. These worms literally destroy the intestinal walls, causing the intestines to rot, and then die. By the way, worms are difficult to detect and eliminate.
In addition to helminths, there are thousands of parasites that can live in your liver, brain, lungs, blood, and intestines. And almost all of them are deadly. Some immediately begin to destroy the human body. Others live secretly until their number becomes so large that the body can no longer cope with them and the person dies. They cause a series of deadly complications: heart attack, cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, nephritis, etc.
At the same time, I can repeat that almost all people are infected with parasites. The problem is that in most cases, parasite infestation is very difficult to diagnose. And when the consequences of parasite infection become obvious, doctors try to get rid of them. Even during an autopsy, a special test is needed to find the parasites. At least in most cases.
The only symptom that can accurately diagnose the presence of parasites in the body is warts.
Correspondent: Can you give a few examples of specific cases of parasite infection?
Dusko I can list thousands of cases. But perhaps I will focus on those that best demonstrate the danger of parasite infection.
1. A case with a positive outcome. The patient occasionally complained of stomach pain. The examination showed that his intestines were full of helminths. They literally dug a labyrinth, the process of tissue degeneration began, and the patient was on the verge of sepsis. During the operation, part of the intestine was removed, the worms were removed along with the decaying tissues. After a week of intensive care, the patient was already feeling better.
2. The uterus is infected with a colony of parasites. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to remove them, since the parasites and their larvae had already completely filled the uterus of this patient and increased the organ several times. Thus, the uterus had to be removed. We managed to save the woman. However, the intoxication of the body was so strong that after the removal of the uterus, she had to undergo special treatment and died 3 years later
3. Echinococcosis of the heart. The disease was discovered too late. The doctor believed that this patient simply suffered from ischemic heart disease and angina, but in fact everything was more serious. The operation did not help, nor did conservative treatment. The heart transplant also failed – there was no donor. As a result, the patient died without regaining consciousness.
Correspondent: How to check if we are infected with pests?
Dusko Unfortunately, there are no methods that can reliably diagnose whether there are parasites in the human body or not. This is due to the fact that there are many types of parasites (more than 2000 known species) and they are difficult to detect. In our country, a comprehensive examination for parasites can be done only in a few laboratories and is very expensive.
Primary symptoms that indicate the presence of parasites in the body:
– Papillomas,
– Bad breath,
– Allergies (rash, watery eyes, runny nose),
– Skin rash and redness,
– Frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion,
– Chronic fatigue (you get tired quickly no matter what you do),
– Frequent headaches,
– Constipation or diarrhea,
– Joint or muscle pain,
– Nervousness, insomnia and appetite disorders,
– Dark circles and bags under the eyes.
If there is at least one of these symptoms, the probability that there are parasites in your body is 99%. And it is necessary to deal with them as soon as possible!
Correspondent: How to protect yourself and get rid of parasites?
In terms of the availability of antiparasitic drugs, the current situation is quite problematic. Of course, there are also drugs that are aimed at cleansing the body of worms. There are also more or less effective drugs to combat certain types of worms or parasites that attack the liver. However, the main problem is that they interact only with a certain type of parasite. At the same time, each person has at least 7-8 types of parasites.
Currently, there is only one drug to remove the parasite. It is an antiparasitic supplement of the umbrella. Clinical studies have shown excellent results. The export of this drug has been suspended until it is distributed throughout our country.
Journalist: What makes Parazol so special? What is the difference between this supplement and other pesticide products?
Dusko As I said earlier, it is currently the only effective pest control drug. It helps to completely get rid of parasites. That is why it is so popular among chain pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies. Compared to other antiparasitic products, this drug acts against a wide range of parasites that can infect the entire body. Given the problems with diagnosis, it is worth noting that this supplement effectively cleanses the entire organism. I mentioned earlier that it is almost impossible to determine what type of parasite has infected the body. Parasol destroys and removes all parasites living in any internal organ – from the brain and heart to the liver and intestines. Currently, no other product can do this.
In addition, it is not a synthetic drug. It is a completely natural product that eliminates the risk of allergic reactions, disruption of the bacterial flora in the intestines and other problems that can arise when using traditional tablets with many synthetic substances.
IMPORTANT! The manufacturer has launched a special offer that allows you to buy Parazol at a discount!
This is a limited offer.
1. The effectiveness of Parazol was calculated using the standard method (the ratio of completely cured people to the total number of people in a group of 100 subjects who participated in clinical trials):
– Elimination of parasites and their eggs: 99%
– Normalization of the condition and function of the pancreas: 80%
– Elimination of rashes: 90%
– Elimination of abdominal pain and diarrhea: 90%
– Elimination of warts and growths: 99%.
2. Side effects, including allergic reactions, have not been proven.
3. Parazol is recognized as the most effective drug for combating parasites.
The drug is certified not only here, but also in France at the University of Parasitology in Paris. Clinical studies have fully confirmed the data obtained in our country. The French even received an even higher percentage of cured patients.
Now a series of clinical trials in China, Japan and Vietnam have been practically completed. Asian countries are showing huge interest in this drug. All tests without exception have shown the incredible effectiveness of this product.
Correspondent: I think our readers want to know where to buy Parazol at a reduced price?
Dushko This is a limited offer. The product itself is available only in certain regions of the country. As I mentioned earlier, Parazol can currently be purchased with a 50% discount.
All you need to do to buy Parazol is leave a request on the site, indicate your name and phone number. If you see that you can submit a request, then the drug is still in stock. I personally guarantee that everyone who submits a request on the site will receive their order.
Correspondent: Is there anything you would like to tell our readers before the end of this interview?
Dushko The only thing I would like to say is: “Take care of your health”. You may not even suspect that the probability that parasites live in you is 97-98%. They can be anywhere: in the blood, intestines, lungs, heart or brain. Parasites literally eat you from the inside, poisoning your body. As a result, you have many health problems that reduce your life expectancy by 15-25 years. I don’t even want to mention the sudden death that most often occurs due to the influence of parasites on the body. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Cleanse your body now.
Important. It has been proven that now is the best time to start taking. The effect of the drug increases. Health improvement is 47% faster than in other seasons.
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