Alien Races That Have Been In Contact With Earth.

Ever since mankind has been able to look to the sky, we’ve wondered whether there’s someone else out there. Some mysterious race with far more advanced technology than ours that’d come visit us at regular intervals and share their technology with us. And despite there being no actual scientific evidence that this has in fact happened, there are a boatload of theories out there that claim that we have indeed been visited by races from outer space at certain points in our history. Let’s take a look at some of the more credible ones – which isn’t saying much.

Allegedly one of the oldest and wisest races in the galaxy, the Arcturians were the first system where life formed and are allegedly our cosmic ancestor. Like most other alien races they did not invent gyms and just have the typical big heads because they have big brains.

The Anunnaki
One of the few races that actually have a whole book written about them, the Anunnaki hail from the old Mesopotamian cultures. In true human fashion, they apparently came to Earth to pillage it for our gold and submit the human race into slavery, which is exactly how we spent the rest of our future as a race treating each other.






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