New chance or illusion?
Today we will reveal one of the most miraculous medical achievements of modern times. Diabetes, a disease that has haunted humanity for decades, is becoming a thing of the past, and we will explain why.
(c) Zhan Lingxin
China is a country that constantly surprises with its development. It has already surpassed all countries in the world in economic growth and innovation, and this year it surprised us again!
According to statements by the Communist Party of China, diabetes has been defeated in China!
For several years, Chinese medical experts have been working on a unique formula that has completely rid the country of this disease. The most amazing thing of all is that China has shared its success with the world!
To check whether the Chinese government’s claims are true, we decided to conduct an interview with the leading doctor in Beijing, Doctor of Chemical and Medical Sciences, winner of many international awards – Dr. Zhang Lingxin.
P.S. Currently, the doctor lives in Macedonia and works at our Skopje Medical University Hospital.
– Dr. Zhang Lingxin, good day! How are you? What’s the news from Chinese medicine?
– The news is only good, but I have to say that I and my entire team are exhausted.
– Tell us, what was the essence of your work on this formula? What challenges did you face during the creation process?
– Working on this formula was a real challenge, there’s no other way to describe it… Months without sleep!
Diabetes is the scourge of modern times , and our goal was to not only treat the symptoms, but to tackle the root cause!
For years, we faced incredible challenges in finding the right path.
The problem is universal! The statistics were terrifying! More than 228 million people were affected by this disease, not only the elderly, but also the young. This was a real national disaster.
In Macedonia, more than 2.5 million people of pre- and post-retirement age suffer from this disease. However, it is sad that in recent years this disease has also significantly appeared among young people.
Diabetes is rapidly becoming a problem for young people around the world.
Diabetes not only causes complications, but literally destroys the body from the inside:
Causes blindness
It clogs the urinary tract and destroys the kidneys.
It destroys joints, taking away the ability to move.
Causes neurological diseases
Causes gangrene
– But what about global medicine? Why is there so little progress in the fight against diabetes in Western countries?
– I’m really sorry to say this, but Western thinking is based on the constant pursuit of profit. The capitalist system itself creates that vicious circle.
In the West, diabetes treatment is still using drugs that were used 30-40 years ago. Your healthcare system lacks sufficient transparency and control.
That’s why people simply don’t know about effective anti-diabetes drugs, which, theoretically, should be available at a discount.
But not only do they not give them away, they don’t even want to sell them!
See what medications doctors are prescribing today and what is sold in our pharmacies for diabetes.
Diaformin, Glidiab, Glucophage, Glimepiride and others. These are drugs from previous generations. They, in fact, only control blood sugar levels!
What kind of relief from illness are we talking about?! In China, for example, such drugs have not been used for 10 years.
In China, we have always had a different attitude towards life – we put the good of society above personal interests. I think that attitude is the key to our success.
We conducted an independent study of popular anti-diabetes drugs sold in Europe and Macedonia and came to terrible conclusions.
Such drugs in long-term use:
They destroy blood vessels and disrupt tissue supply.
They burden the liver and pancreas.
They hinder peripheral circulation
In 77% of cases, after long-term use, they cause autoimmune diseases of internal organs.
THE SITUATION IS FEARFUL! In China, a person suffering from diabetes simply goes to a pharmacy, buys a cheap medicine, takes just one treatment – and is healthy!
You don’t have these kinds of medicines in your pharmacies – it’s more important that people come regularly for the next pack. A pharmacy is just a store, and the main thing is PROFIT !
Every year these side effects get worse! People develop resistance even to “empty” drugs, and pharmaceutical companies release heavier, more chemically dangerous variants of old drugs every year.
This will continue until people really start dying en masse!
– The situation is truly alarming, doctor! But why can you keep corruption under control and we can’t?
Corruption is one of the most severely punished crimes in our country.
The fish stinks from the head – this mafia issues guidelines, compiles official lists of approved drugs, and doctors have no choice but to recommend them.
Regular doctors have nothing to do with it, they are just cogs in the big machine. They prescribe what they are told to prescribe.
The fact is that for every disease there are lists of recommended drugs. Doctors are allowed to prescribe drugs only from those lists.
If they independently prescribe something else, they will be held responsible and suspended from practice.
– Incredible! I assume that such practices also affect diabetes research?
– Of course! You can find very little information about it in Western sources – scientists are simply afraid to publish new research that has already been done in China.
We focused on the core of the problem – genes. The main result of the research was the discovery of a defective gene that increases the risk of developing diabetes by 80-90%.
The study involved 50,000 healthy patients and 50,000 patients with type 2 diabetes.
All participants in the experiment underwent genetic blood analysis, which allowed the identification of the Pax4 gene, a mutation of which affects the possible occurrence of diabetes.
A comparison of the genes of healthy people and diabetics showed that genetic changes in several genes, including the Pax4 gene, are a major factor in the development of the disease and increase the risk of diabetes by 80-90%.
We managed to isolate this gene and COMPLETELY ELIMINATE IT!
– And, as far as I understand, your medicine is already available to everyone in China?
– Yes! Our medicine was developed at Beijing Capital Medical University. Our country supplies the medicine to local clinics with a 50% discount. Now, when the Macedonian government is more actively cooperating with us, we decided to share our formula with your scientists. They registered it under the new brand Dia Drops.
This is the ONLY natural remedy currently available that acts on the cause of type 2 diabetes, blocking the action of the Pax4 gene and returning blood glucose levels to 4.0-5.2 mmol/L within a few weeks.
Apart from its genetic components, one of the secrets of Dia Drops is its high content of fruit extracts.
Why fruit? Everything is simple. The miniature pancreas is the main regulator of the digestion process and carbohydrate metabolism in the body.
The slightest deviations in its work can lead to serious disorders in the digestion and breakdown of glucose.
Dia Drops is a serious measure to support health in the event of a lack of insulin, which should be produced by the pancreas. Taking this herbal preparation becomes a reliable guarantee that the blood sugar level will not reach either a dangerous minimum or a fatal maximum for the tissues of the body. And in this case, fruit extracts are what is needed! In addition, other natural ingredients collected in a special formula enhance its effect.
Stable glucose level (from 4.0-5.2 mmol/L)
Restoration of organs damaged by long-term and ineffective treatment
Cleansing cells and increasing their sensitivity to insulin
Normalization of hormonal and thyroid function
HOWEVER, it should be kept in mind – Dia Drops provides a similar effect only after a fully completed course!
The main advantage of Dia Drops is ZERO SIDE EFFECTS . The drug is suitable for people with any type of diabetes and helps strengthen the body in the fight against all complications.
How Dia Drops works on your body:
reduces bad cholesterol levels and cleans blood vessels,
without stress and harm normalizes sugar levels (already at the first intake, because a person must immediately bring sugar into balance),
nourishes and restores the functioning of the pancreas.
If you use Dia Drops, you will get rid of diabetes forever. Your pancreas will work like in your youth, sugar and cholesterol will be in balance, and blood vessels will be clean.
The results of the Dia Drops testing surprised even us:
97% of participants normalized their blood sugar levels from the first time they took Dia Drops
95% of participants reduced their bad cholesterol levels
96% of participants cleared their blood vessels of cholesterol plaques
94% of participants got rid of the problem of frequent urination
98% of participants improved the condition of their skin, hair and nails
96% of participants felt a surge of energy, their mood improved
94% of participants improved their vision and memory
91% of participants lost weight and normalized their weight
The development of such an effective anti-diabetes preparation became possible thanks to the latest methods for obtaining extracts from medicinal herbs, which form the basis of Dia Drops.
“It is a natural preparation, has no side effects and does not harm the liver or kidneys.”
Experiences of participants in the testing of Dia Drops against diabetes:
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